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Department of Pharmacology Department of Pharmacology
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Johannes Schöneberg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Research Interests

The goal of his newly formed research group at UCSD is to arrive at a complete quantitative description of a cell in its native tissue environment. To that end, the group combines stem cell-derived organoids, 4D (x,y,z,time) adaptive optics lattice light-sheet microscopy, and high performance computing and machine learning. Specifically, the group is interested in the link between mitochondrial dynamics and neurological diseases that are caused by mitochondrial dysfunction such as Parkinson’s Disease and epilepsy.


Selected Publications

Z Wang, P Natekar, C Tea, S Tamir, H Hakozaki, J Schöneberg. MitoTNT: Mitochondrial Temporal Network Tracking for 4D live-cell fluorescence microscopy data. PLOS Computational Biology.  doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011060.  (2023)

J. Schöneberg, G. Raghupathi, E. Betzig and D. Drubin, "3D Deep Convolutional Neural Networks in Lattice Light-Sheet Data Puncta Segmentation," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 2369-2372 (2019)

J Schöneberg, D Dambournet, TL Liu, R Forster, D Hockemeyer, E Betzig, et. al. 4D cell biology: big data image analytics and lattice light-sheet imaging reveal dynamics of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in stem cell–derived intestinal organoids. Molecular biology of the cell 29 (24), 2959-2968 (2018)

J Schöneberg, MR Pavlin, S Yan, M Righini, IH Lee, LA Carlson, et. al. ATP-dependent force generation and membrane scission by ESCRT-III and Vps4. Science 362 (6421), 1423-1428 (2018)

J Schöneberg, F Noé. ReaDDy-a software for particle-based reaction-diffusion dynamics in crowded cellular environments. PloS One 8 (9), e74261 (2013)



Cancer Biology
Neuropharmacology & Neurological Disorders


Signaling & Molecular Pharmacology
Systems & Computational Biology
Biochemical, Biophysical & Structural Pharmacology