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Signaling and Molecular Pharmacology Program

The Signaling and Molecular Pharmacology program is focused on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms of how cells transduce information, and how these mechanisms are deregulated in disease. Specifically, research is directed at understanding signaling from initial ligand binding to cellular receptors and propagation by signaling cascades in the cell to culmination in a cellular response. Novel imaging techniques are used to visualize intracellular signaling in real time in live cells, and biochemical, molecular biological, cellular and biophysical approaches are used to elucidate fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms. Research projects include understanding pathways that regulate the balance between cell survival and cell death, neuronal development, bacterial pathogenesis, cell growth and proliferation, and inflammation.

The Signaling and Molecular Pharmacology Program nucleates the campus-wide Cell Signaling San Diego Center, which unites researchers passionate about understanding the molecular mechanisms of cell signaling with the goal of leveraging this understanding to treat disease.

Program Director



Novel imaging techniques are used to visualize intracellular signaling in real time in live cells, and biochemical, molecular biological, cellular and biophysical approaches are used to elucidate fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms.

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